Join us in Making a Difference
Your generosity helps us share the message of hope, love, and salvation with bikers and communities around the world.

Why give?
Spread the Message of Hope
Your donation helps us reach bikers and their families with the life-changing message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Support Community Outreach
Contributions enable us to organize charitable activities and provide spiritual guidance to those in need.
Foster Fellowship and Unity
Donations help create events that bring together riders, families, and friends to strengthen their faith and build lasting relationships.
Promote Safety and Education
Your support helps fund safety training and resources for motorcyclists, ensuring a safe riding experience.
Expand Our Ministry
With your help, we can establish new chapters and reach more communities, both locally and globally.
Proclaim Christ’s Love
Every gift furthers our mission to represent Christ through our actions and events, lifting His name high and preparing hearts for His soon return.